US Department of Energy Accelerats Funding for SSL Competion

Click:1233  Time:2016-02-28 15:20:56

Coming after from China announces the roadmap of banning incandescent , the US Department of Energy (DOE) has also been accelerating funding for the production of LEDs to help the country be competitive in LED industry and the overall clean energy race.

The DOE will be accepting funding applications through December 15, 2011, for developers of energy-saving lighting technologies involving LEDs in some of the latest developments.

The Obama Administration authorized up to $10 million for manufacturing research and development on SSL, including HBLEDs as well as OLEDs.

The DOE expects SSL, to reduce the amount of electricity used for US lighting by one fourth by 2030. Ultimately, if proper implementation measures were adopted, the US could save up to $15 billion, while also achieving a corresponding greenhouse gas emissions reduction that would be equivalent to 21 million cars being taken off the road.

The DOE is intending to aid US companies in reducing the cost of LED lighting by innovations in manufacturing equipment, processes, and process control. Overall, two to four project awards will be granted.

This is the third round of funding directed toward this SSL research and development program area, which also received millions in Recovery Act funding.

What’s more, the Manufacturing Research and Development program associated with LEDs has been aided by $28.2 million in federal funding and leveraged $36.8 million in funding from the private sector, over the last several years.

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