Indian Three Cities Join The Climate Group’s Global LED Project

Click:2946  Time:2016-02-28 17:38:16

Reportedly, Thane, Kolkata and Haldia, the three cities of India ,have joined The Climate Group’s global LED project to replace existing streetlights with longer-lasting, high-efficiency LEDs.

Thane arranges to install 314 LED streetlights, Kolkata expects to install 273 LED streetlights as part of a pilot program, and Haldia plans to put up 290 LED lamps.

Asides from that, other Indian communities are also taking actions to promote the adoption of cleaner, more efficient lighting. Delhi has worked with India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), to distribute 2.18 million compact fluorescent light bulbs to households with the expectation that it could reduce peak energy loads by 100 megawatts.

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